Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Add a MS Ignite Calendar

If you're attending Microsoft Ignite this week, don't forget that you can create a separate calendar for your sessions - it keeps them from filling up your primary availability calendar, and let's you see them separate from your regular day's events. 

You can also publish the calendar and share the link (like this one, if you're wondering what a Teams geek like myself is interested in at MSIgnite) with a colleague if you want them to know what sessions you're attending.

Monday, September 7, 2020

My [un-official] achievement badges for Microsoft Teams!

I play Xbox, so I'm no stranger to Achievements. I thought it would be nice if we could unlock achievements in our use of Teams as well! One of my favorite that I've seen achieved a lot more these days is...

:)  Check out this form - if you've performed one of these actions in Microsoft Teams lately, grab your badge - you've earned it!


Friday, September 4, 2020

Why I like the "for a selected [Teams] message" trigger (Hint: it's about Microsoft To Do)

Being able to build and perform additional actions on a Teams message is already nice. But it became extra nice for me when I realized I could use it to help get Teams messages into Microsoft To Do, which helps me follow-up on important posts from my colleagues.

After starting up my Instant Flow...

...I'm able to build out the Card and ToDo task for my new Teams action. In my card, I simply give myself an opportunity to put an extra note on my new To Do task, which, in my Flow, I add to the subject line...

Together, these allow me to create a new To Do from my Teams message, with an optional note...

My new To Do is now visible and ready for me to add to one of my To Do lists, or add a reminder...

But I really like is how my hashtags are still working in this scenario as well, which makes it easy for me to quickly see all my #FromTeams tasks...

Time to get some things done!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Different Guest User Scenarios in a Microsoft Teams meeting

As Microsoft Teams meeting participants, we all come in different shapes and sizes and flavors. :) When we're joining someone's meeting, we might be a fellow user in their tenant, or we might be an external Guest visiting their tenant. The meeting might be one that someone created in Outlook, or it might be a Channel meeting.  

I tried to show a few of those flavors below, in case it might help someone understand why they're seeing what they're seeing in their next Microsoft Teams meeting (click the images for a larger view):

Meeting Created In

and the User is a

and the User’s tenant is set to

The chat looks like



A tenant different than the meeting

(no files, only the most basic chat)



The same tenant as the meeting

(better chat, but still no files)



The same tenant as the meeting

(user gets files (view/edit) and can even see chats created prior to the meeting)



A tenant different than the meeting

(no chat, no files)